Stop Waiting for Permission & Commit to Your Dreams—with Rosie Pova - EP69

Many women, especially moms, put our dreams on hold for the sake of others. We wait to pursue our own passions, putting other people first. But if we want our kids to go after their dreams, shouldn’t we set the example?

Rosie J. Pova is an award-winning children’s author and writing coach on a mission to inspire kids to use their creativity, dream BIG and believe in themselves. She regularly speaks at schools, sharing her journey as an immigrant from Bulgaria and encouraging students to persist, push through rejection and hold a higher vision for themselves. Rosie’s latest picture book, Sunday Rain, will be released in March of 2021.

On this episode of Wickedly Smart Women, Rosie joins Anjel to explain how to commit to our dreams, challenging us to say NO to the naysayers and YES to the possibilities—no matter the obstacles we face. She describes how she responded to the disruption of the pandemic and ignited her creativity to develop workshops for aspiring writers. Listen in for Rosie’s advice on creating multiple streams of income in your business and learn to STOP waiting for permission and START pursuing your passion!

What You Will Learn

How reading to her first child helped Rosie reconnect with her passion for writing

Rosie’s commitment to pursuing her dream despite the obstacles

Rosie’s insight on saying NO to distractions and YES to the possibilities

Why it’s crucial to invest in yourself vs. waiting for someone to make your dreams happen for you

How Rosie inspires kids to keep moving forward in the face of rejection

The writing workshops Rosie developed during the pandemic

How to adjust when what you’re doing feels frustrating and no longer serves you

The question Rosie asks to decide what’s hers to do

How Rosie’s books facilitate deeper conversations between kids and their parents

Rosie’s challenge for moms to lead by example and pursue their own dreams

How Rosie develops other income streams beyond just selling books

Connect with Rosie Pova

Rosie’s Website


Sunday Rain by Rosie J. Pova

Rosie’s Kid Lit Workshops

Kate DiCamillo

Anjel’s Wealthy Life Readiness Quiz

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