What I'm Learning From Gordon...(Part 1)

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About a week ago I stumbled across some videos in my Facebook feed featuring snippets of “Kitchen Nightmares” with Chef Gordon Ramsey. I have become OBSESSED with watching all the snippets and finally today decided to find out if the full episodes were on Youtube (yes they are!).

I’m not a TV watcher. I stopped watching TV back in 2001 after 911 - just cut it right out of my life all together - and not surprisingly discovered a whole bunch of time freed up to be creative. TV watching stopped shortly after my initial spiritual awakening as well and as a result of both the time freedom as well as the ‘bandwidth’ being opened up I discovered so many latent parts of myself that had been dormant for years.

I also discovered that those latent parts of myself needed to be given the opportunity to be affirmed, take root, grow, & expand. In the first few years so many parts emerged. The artist, the author, the healer, the performer are just a few. In order for all of these parts to be affirmed I had to shed a whole lot of the conditioning and yes PROGRAMMING that I had taken in via my family of origin as well as from the culture (through the TV - they call it PROGRAMMING for a reason).

Shortly after turning off the TV for good I also turned on my own “channel” and started outpouring and accomplishing a whole lot of things that had never before been on my wish list of things to do with my life. The people who had been in my circle started asking me what was going on and how was it possible for me to accomplish so much. Making space by stopping the intake of what wasn’t serving and giving myself permission to allow my passion to lead me is what I’d tell them now. Back then all I could say is “just shut off the TV & you’ll be amazed at what you can do with the time you free up!”

It was a surprise to me when I started watching these Gordon Ramsey videos and simply couldn’t stop. I’ve been hearing from my “upstairs team” a lot lately with the message to LAY DOWN. Even after all these years (20 since I started to work in collaboration with and be guided by Spirit) I can still be a bit resistant to the guidance. Then Gordon showed up in the feed and now not only am I laying down, I’m also listening & most importantly LEARNING some things that I otherwise wouldn’t have if I had kept on resisting and fighting the guidance!

Everything I’m picking up from watching this show can be applied to someone like you dear reader if you are running your own small business or contemplating creating a conscious change in your life or in the world.

Here’s what I have for you so far:

1) Stop RESISTING & Fighting the Guidance! OMG there are some BIG F*#&ing EGOS in these shows - people who are desperate and down to their last dollars & they are fighting the hell out of Gordon and resisting the guidance!

2) Start looking for something - anything - no matter how small that you CAN work with as you are ruthlessly confronting everything that’s a freaking mess.

3) STOP lying to yourself, closing your eyes, hiding your head under the covers about what’s really going on. Data at the end of the day simply doesn’t lie. In business, any business - including businesses based upon thought leadership - if you aren’t willing to look with eyes wide open at the results you are creating, good and bad, & be honest you are going to be in trouble. So that means you need to do the first thing that I teach in my Five Figure Payday Formula for Presenters & Podcasters - Know the revenue required to thrive! This includes paying you - FIRST!

4) SIMPLIFY!! OMG if there’s anything that can clearly and viscerally demonstrate why it’s so important to keep things as SIMPLE as possible in your business it would be watching Kitchen Nightmares cooks who have these great big huge elaborate complicated menus. Nearly every single show Gordon comes in with the machete (or should I say the Chef’s Knife) & cuts all the crap off the menu - simplifies everything in a way that frees up money (from food waste), frees up time (for the team in both the front & back of the house) & frees up energy (in the form of creating way more breathing room and headspace when things get super busy with lots of orders). One of my favorite things to say is “Clarity Is Divinity” - well I’ve been in the online personal & professional development space for 13 years and initially resisted the heck out of simplifying and have witnessed many clients and colleagues doing the same thing. Now by binge watching Gordon I’m clearer than ever before that complexity is the killer of any service based business. So I’ll add “Simplicity Is Divinity” too.

5) GET HELP& HUMBLE YOURSELF to RECEIVE IT!!! Things can turn around so swiftly when you stop trying to figure things out on your own. When one of the best experts in the world is in front of you offering to help you out of the mess you know you are in but can’t for the life of you figure out how to get out of - then take them up on the offer. That means you’ll need to INVEST in most cases - both financially & with time, energy & attention. If you want a consistently generating prosperous business creating 6-7 figures in revenue and you aren’t willing to invest a fraction of that to learn, grow & be guided then you need to go get a job and start saving so that you can invest. People who work with me invest at minimum $12K to get started with our work together - but before you know it they have created results that more than cover the investment and ultimately allow them to create many many times that amount (as long as they keep it simple & stay committed) - in fact my clients around the world have generated multiple millions - last time I checked around $65,000,000.00 in revenues and that number just keeps increasing all the time!

I’ve definitely got a few more tidbits on what I’m learning from Gordon but I’ll leave it there for this post. This is enough for you to chew on today. If anything I wrote here has given you a wake up call and you feel like reaching out to apply for a consultation to see if and how I might be able to support you to get out of your own "Entrepreneurial Nightmare” then please do that right here: Wealthy Life By Design Clarity Consultation